Out of data storage space error/glitch fix, Minecraft on the Playstation 5

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Out of data storage space error/glitch fix, Minecraft on the Playstation 5

Edit 3: problem is not solved and keeps occuring on all systmes.
Still no response from Mojang and/or MS.
Lets hope they will fix this sometime........

(Edit 2: Minecraft just received and update 2.21 and i put back my savefile once again and it works, happy they fixed this the sooner and the better, still crazy though it happened.)

(Edit: after using this method it worked for me, but now it happends again.
Again i put my savedata back on the Playstation 4 and again it works flawless, so what is going on, is something wrong with the latest version on the Playstation 5?)

Looks like there is another problem and glitch with Minecraft and this time on the Playstation 5 system, at least for me.

What happends is that when you load up your world and start playing the game all of a sudden gives you the message that you are out of data storage space and Minecraft is unable to save your progress.

The crazy thing is that i have plenty of exteral and internal harddrive space and that my world is not so big, only 953.1 MB.
I first started to delete save worlds to free space up, but that did not work.
As you can see in the video, the storage on minecraft is not even 25% full.

I tried everything, from reinstalling the game, using a backup of my world and many things.
Every time i got the same message and even coruppted my savefiles, again a warning that it is so important to have a backup of you world once a while or you will losse everything.

This word and save is almost 420 days old and i play everyday on it for my youtube series of 15 minutes of Minecraft, travel to the farlands and i really don't wanna loose that.

So how did i fix it and yes it is crazy.

I hooked up my vanilla Playstation4 and restored the backup of my world to it and loaded it up.

The crazy thing is it just worked with no problem what so ever.
This means something went wrong on the Playstation 5, maybe because of an update which go wrong many thimes with Mojang and MS and they still have not fixed that.

So i saved the game on my Playstation 4.
Made a backup of my world and the savefiles on the Playstation 4 to an external usb device (ofcourse you can use Playstation plus cloud service)
Then i booted up my Playstation 5 again and put those savefiles on the system and booted up the game.

Thankfully this work around worked and i can continue play again.

Looks like the problem is not in the world data, although other worlds still worked on my PS%, but it is in the save data.

As you can see, i am not logged in to my MS account anymore, but you can just log-in again.

Hope i helped you out and you can continue playing your worlds and game on Minecraft.

Lets hope Mojang and MS fix this asap.

Sented out a message on twitter to them, but had no answer yet.

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