
Описание к видео 一层一层撕着吃的千层手撕吐司。

高筋面粉/Bread flour: 300g
鸡蛋/Egg: 1pc(55g)
牛奶/Milk: 140g
盐/Salt: 4g
酵母/Yeast: 4g
糖/Sugar: 20g
蜂蜜/Honey: 20g
无盐黄油/Unsalted butter: 20g

无盐黄油/Unsalted butter: 120g

烤箱中层300°F(150°C )烤30分钟。
Bake in the middle rack of the oven at 300°F (150°C) for 30 minutes.
#puffpastryrecipe #puffpastryrecipes #面包食谱 #breadrecipe

1. 擀开面团时需控制力度轻轻擀开,不宜用力过猛,容易擀断黄油。
2. 发现面团回缩严重时,需放入冰箱松弛后再操作。
3. 进行两次4折开酥。
4. 面团冷冻后再切条,会得到整齐的切面,同时避免了面团回缩。
5. 最后整形时将面团擀至比模具稍大即可,避免过大切掉过多面团。
6. 切掉的面团可一起烤成小面包,也可留作老面下次使用。
7. 发酵所需时间较长,需耐心等待。发酵温度控制在30度以内,以免黄油融化。
8. 趁热食用,口感更佳。

1. When rolling out the dough, gently apply pressure to avoid breaking the butter layer.
2. If the dough shrinks significantly, let it rest in the refrigerator before continuing.
3. Perform two sets of four-fold puff pastry
4. Freezing the dough before slicing results in neat, even layers and prevents shrinking.
5. When shaping the dough, roll it slightly larger than the mold to avoid cutting off too much dough.
6. The trimmed dough can be baked into small bread rolls or saved as sourdough for future use
7. Fermentation takes time, so be patient. Keep the fermentation temperature below 30 degrees Celsius to prevent the butter from melting.
8. Enjoy the toast while it's hot for the best taste.


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