Saints Row: The Third Remastered (AMD FX-8350 with RTX 3060 12GB)

Описание к видео Saints Row: The Third Remastered (AMD FX-8350 with RTX 3060 12GB)

(Disclaimer: If your motherboard can handle a higher load/increase in temps, turn off Cool & Quiet in the bios along with other power management features that favor throttling. This will help with stutter/frame drops some and in general, contribute to maximum performance. Also keep in mind that recording utilities do have some impact on performance. And lastly, the goal of any given test is to see if the game can at least be run at some kind of console experience, if not better. Due to that, if necessary, I will point out if a frame cap would be ideal.)

Testing Saints Row: The Third Remastered out on the AMD FX-8350, with the RTX 3060 12GB, and 32GB system ram with SSD for game storage. Game runs good maxed out. To a point, the game engine is fairly well optimized for multi-core processors, including the FX. It will at least heavily utilize two cores, and lean a little on the rest that is available. As always, if your graphics card can handle it, feel free to max the game out.


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