Absinthe: History of the Green Fairy

Описание к видео Absinthe: History of the Green Fairy

There are many types of beverages out their, be it wine, brandy or vodka. but there's one type of drink that is both mysterious and controversial. In this video I will discuses the history serving and production of my favorite drink, absinthe.

Table of Contents:
Intro (0:00)
Wormwood (1:31)
Birth (3:47)
Frenzy (5:19)
Disciples (8:10)
Persecution (10:11)
Rebirth (12:41)

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Sites.evergreen.edu. 2021. Thujone: Psychedelic, Potent Cancer Treatment, Or Poison? |. Available at: https://sites.evergreen.edu/plantchem...

Lanier, D., 2014. Absinthe, The Cocaine Of The Nineteenth Century. pp.1-14.

Alandia.de. 2021. Absinthe History | Learn More At ALANDIA. Available at: https://www.alandia.de/absinthe-histo...

La Fée Absinthe - Real Absinthe. 2021. Absinthe Timeline - La Fée Absinthe - Real Absinthe. Available at: https://lafee.com/absinthe-timeline/

Hartsmar, M., 2021. Absinthe.Se - The History Of Absinthe. [online] Absinthe.se. Available at: http://www.absinthe.se/absinthe-facts...

Nathan-Maister, D., 2021. The Absinthe Encyclopedia By David Nathan-Maister – Absinthes.Com – The Definitive Guide To The History Of Absinthe.. Absinthes.com. Available at: https://www.absinthes.com/absinthe-en...

Padosch, S., Lachenmeier, D. and Kröner, L., 2006. Absinthism: A Fictitious 19Th Century Syndrome With Present Impact. [online] Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. Available at: https://substanceabusepolicy.biomedce...

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