Learning about the Pledge: An Award Winning - Flavorful Full-Bodied Experience

Описание к видео Learning about the Pledge: An Award Winning - Flavorful Full-Bodied Experience

Join us as we dive into the world of Pledge, a highly acclaimed and unique cigar that defies the reputation of full-bodied cigars. Released during the pandemic, this cigar provided comfort to many, becoming a favorite among cigar enthusiasts. The Pledge cigar features a unique US Connecticut Habano wrapper, grown from a Habano seed brought from Cuba, offering an exceptional flavor profile. It's a true flavor bomb, bursting with great spice, saltiness, sweetness, and hints of bitter nut and dark chocolate.

This full-bodied cigar is not for the faint-hearted and stands out even among smaller cigars due to its robust strength. Despite its intensity, Pledge becomes smoother in larger sizes, making it a versatile choice for different palates. The cigar's unique characteristics and a remarkable 98 rating and Cigar of the Year award even inspired a $100,000 charity campaign for Els for Autism, a personal project close to Lissette's heart.

In this video, our David & Lissette share the story behind the Pledge cigar's release during the pandemic and its impact. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer, try the Pledge cigar and share your thoughts with us! Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful cigar reviews and experiences. Special thanks to David for sharing his knowledge and passion with us.


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