IRA killer confronted by Manya Dickinson and William Frazer

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Daughter of victim confronts witness. IRA killer PATRICK "MOOCH" Blair was confronted by the daughter of an IRA victim as he left the Smithwick Tribunal yesterday. Manya Dickinson confronted Mr Blair as he was about to be driven away in a grey saloon car, saying the IRA had killed her father in a bomb attack in 1990. Afterwards Ms Dickinson told reporters Mr Blair had laughed at her. "That's what we have to put up with," she said."It's not good enough, something has to be done for victims of IRA violence, and this is awful -- that man laughed in my face."

Ms Dickinson's father Kenneth Graham was killed by an IRA bomb underneath his car on April 27th, 1990, aged 46, when she was 13. The IRA stated afterwards that this was because he supplied building materials to the security forces. Ms Dickinson was accompanied by Families Acting for Innocent Relatives spokesman William Frazer, who said families of victims of the Troubles were forced to confront their loved ones' killers, sometimes on a daily basis.


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