পাহাড়ের কোলে ক্যাম্পিং শেষ করে মুরগুমা ড্যাম থেকে আগরপুর ডুংরি।। পুরুলিয়া রাইড EP.05

Описание к видео পাহাড়ের কোলে ক্যাম্পিং শেষ করে মুরগুমা ড্যাম থেকে আগরপুর ডুংরি।। পুরুলিয়া রাইড EP.05

Hi friends, welcome back to the channel. I hope you are doing absolutely fine. In this video, Friends from here after camping and eating then we will start riding towards Agarpur and Dhangi, a shooting spot where many Bengali and Hindi films have been shot.
Distance from here is only 42 kilometers. Guys keep watching the video and I will try to give you all the information through this video where we will stay in the night is not decided yet we will go there and then we will think. Hope you like our riding experience. if you like it then like the video and share it with your friends, if you are new to this channel or watching the video for the first time then subscribe to the channel and stay with me. Everyone will be fine and I hope to see you again in another blog.

Agharpur Maa Chandi Mandir

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Links to my other videos:
part 1- Started Forest Riding Way to Belpahari//Purulia    • Belpahari bike ride || বেলপাহাড়ি - B...  
part 2- Riding on mountain forest towards Belpahari/story of our traveling    • বেলপাহাড়ি হয়ে পুরুলিয়া গেলাম || Ex...  
part 3 LOST our way in Kakrajhore forest and reached the night motorcycle ride EP. 3-    • Belpahari ride// কাঁকড়াঝোড় থেকে পাহ...  
4.   • বাইকে পুরুলিয়া ভ্রমণ | Explore ajodh...  
5. Camping and Explore Shooting spot in Purulia S01-EP.05    • পাহাড়ের কোলে ক্যাম্পিং শেষ করে  মুরগ...  
6. Purulia: Riding And Exploring Around Joychandi Hill And Panchet Dam Ep_06    • পুরুলিয়ার আগরপুর ডুংরি থেকে জয়চন্ডী...  

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