How does my Religion look at the Earth/the Environment? The Tribal Perspective. (video 7)

Описание к видео How does my Religion look at the Earth/the Environment? The Tribal Perspective. (video 7)

Our Speaker is Mr. Vijay Ladkya Bhurkud, a tribal of the Varli tribe from Talasari Taluka of Palghar district. He works as an agriculture supervisor in the Department of Agriculture of Maharashtra. He has done his BSc. in Horticulture Science and is active in social & cultural activities. The following are some points that Mr. Bhurkud highlighted: the wealth and world of the tribal consists of 'water, land, and forests'. Tribal culture is deeply rooted in nature. The 'tribal calendar' is based on the seasons. Oral traditions are still the primary source of the Varli culture. At birth, a child is blessed by elderly women who advise him to care for nature. He is told, 'as a tribal you are king of the water, the jungle, and the land'. Your prosperity depends on conserving nature. While the land and the forest will meet your needs, only take what you need so that nature is not destroyed and there is something for others. Thus, tribals will cut the branches for their needs but not the tree itself! Before performing any activity like farming, all come together to perform certain rituals and worship their gods. Rituals are often specific for different events.
Rituals enhance human life and express certain moral and social values. If rules are broken, corrective rituals are applied. Forgiveness and reconciliation are emphasized. Varli paintings are often a part of a ritual connected with marriage. The rice used to make the paint is connected with the marriage ceremony. The bride and groom are seen as the queen and king.. All must be present at the 'puja' at which grains are thrown in all directions so that even the ants and insects have something to eat. Thus, care for all creation is a part of their rituals. While tribals marry at a young age, they undergo 10 to 15 days of instructions on the responsibilities and behaviours expected of married couples.


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