Randall + Gabrielle || You've Broken the Spell

Описание к видео Randall + Gabrielle || You've Broken the Spell

✨ So I'm never gonna waste my love on anyone else
Now I'm awake, my love, you've broken the spell ✨ || 🧙🐺
They own me. I can't get over how lighthearted and surprisingly sweet they are and I'm so frustrated that their cannon moments happen primarily off-screen. Also, I think it's adorable that Gabrielle does literally (1) helpful thing for the Knights and, in spite of the (50) unhelpful things she's done to them, he's down for the count, 100% Gabrielle's #1 fan. She definitely tries to deflect and push him away because she's seemingly been rejected by so many people in her life, but as soon as he understands her, he has the utmost patience and tenderness with her. I need more.

Fandom: The Order
Ship: Randrielle
Song: Symphony by Sheppard
0:01 "Besides being elitist assholes-- Hi!"
0:17 "Maybe I'm just not as cold as you are."
0:19 "You don't want to sit still, because you don't want to think about her!"
0:20 "I'm not cold."
0:27 "So fucking hard-" "So fucking hard-- WOAH!"
0:29 "You okay?"
0:36 "There she is!"
0:47 "You're plenty good ENOUGH." "I'm Gabrielle fucking Dupres, that should be ENOUGH, dammit."
0:56 "Are we fighting again?"
0:58 "Ugh, let go of me!" "She's lying!"
1:01 "Oh-- HAH!"
1:09 "Look, I'm fine. You can go. "I'm not going anywhere."
1:29 "You and I are so broken up!"
1:36 "They sound like angels."
1:42 "Back off, Dr.Phil, I do not deflect" "Oh, there you go again."
1:46 "I'm basically like the fifth knight"
1:48 "Nice shirt. Randall's got one just like it."
1:51 "-hey!"
2:05 "Are you kidding me?!" "I had one hour to study!"
2:09 "You proved it?" "Ok, fine, you helped, wow!"
2:11 "Why are you being so nice to me?" "I need a reason to be nice to you?"
2:22 "YOU MOVED ME? WHAT IF I HAD A SPINAL INJURY? You could have crippled me, idiot."
#RENEWTHEORDER #TheOrder #Randrielle #Randelle


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