210 L - MARCH 2017

Описание к видео 210 L - MARCH 2017

210 L Aquarium Aquascape

Mayor scape changes as Blyxa japonica is taking over the aquarium. I'm taking out some of it to allow other plants to grow. I have grown fond of the blyxas attached to the driftwoods on the left side of the aquarium. They are a good frame for the plateau that is taking shape on top of the largest piece of driftwood.

I recently traded some B. japonica for an old time favorite of mine. Hygrophylla Polysperma 'Rosaenervig'. Also I bought a new plant that looks very much like Limnophila aromatica (wich i have behind the large driftwood). I believe it might be Pogostemon erectus. Guess only time will tell.

I'm not sure why but the rotala macandra, rotundifolia and nanjeshan are almost gone, only some brittle stems remain and can be seen in the foreground. I keep high hopes that they will bounce back again from whatever it was that happened.


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