Selena Gomez & her Twin Jianna Gomez oooh Double the Trouble

Описание к видео Selena Gomez & her Twin Jianna Gomez oooh Double the Trouble

Hey Selena Gomez haves a Twin name Jianna Gomez meet Selena Gomez Twin Jianna Gomez was born on the same day as Selena Gomez (July 22,1992) July babies but the reason why you haven't meet Selena Gomez's Twin is because when Jianna and Selena was 4 years old Jianna and Selena Gomez didn't get a long with each other very well Jianna use to be mean a lot to Selena Gomez and made Selena Gomez cry all the time and they mom or dad didn't like that and never share things with her sister Selena so when they turn 5 they parents didn't get along with each other trying to raise 2 kids and one mean to Selena Gomez and they got divorced when they were only 5 years old and the dad loved his children and still to this day and wanted to see his children but he decided to take one of the Twins Jianna and the mom keep the other one Selena since they both didn't get a long with each other so the mom and dad was separated and so was the Twins but they always see each other now and then but you don't believe me because that's why every since Selena Gomez been famous she never talk about her at all well probably because they never got a long and her Twin was being mean to her I mean I wouldn't if I had a twin that's mean to me at all and don't get me started on fame with Selena's Twin Jianna Jianna is the type of girl who don't really cares about fame and don't want to be in the spotlight like some people because she love privacy and plus when she was younger like Selena she was to shy of the spotlight she always be to Scared to sing act or dance and front of people and on cameras because a bunch of people might be watching so she stayed out of it unlike her sister Selena Gomez she love the spotlight but she ain't scared but throughout the year Selena Gomez and Jianna got a long very well now they love each other and would probably do anything for each other for the rest of their lives and they love spending time with each other too out the spotlight and they love each other The End 💖💖 PS to happy Sisters


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