Crisis, Creativity & Awareness. Zoom 10.2024

Описание к видео Crisis, Creativity & Awareness. Zoom 10.2024

2nd October 2024. May you live in interesting times: Crisis, Creativity and Awareness. James Low's webinar with the Turkish sangha on Zoom.

Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the Turkish translator.

As expressed very well in the English proverbial phrase above in the title, it may be quite eerie to be existing in the times where the world is a space for ongoing crises. It is a question of personal and collective balance on a common ground off-balance. Is it possible to be open for a constant change? Is it safe to stay permeable while going through experiences? As we do mix seven seas, are we also capable of distilling them?

In this talk of introduction to Dzogchen, James Low is going to invite us to an ecstatic flow of contemplation. We will meet with the key concepts, practical tools and the contexts of the way. This talk is also an announcement of a retreat in Izmir, Turkey, which will be curated by Acik Studyo.

Moderator: Safak Ersozlu
Turkish translation: Pinar McGivern
Organizer: Safak Ersozlu
Opening video: Ron Lach

Turkish-English:    • Crisis, Creativity & Awareness. [EN-T...  
Engllish only:    • Crisis, Creativity & Awareness. Zoom ...   (you are here)

Instagram of excerpts from James Low's teachings:

Learn more about future events:


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