Large Eddy Simulation of a Quadcopter Drone in Hover

Описание к видео Large Eddy Simulation of a Quadcopter Drone in Hover

Large Eddy Simulation simulation of a complete drone in hovering flight.

Regions close to the rotors are discretized with body fitted grids rotating in an off-body Cartesian grid thanks to the overset grids method.

Each rotor grid comprises 58 million points and the background grid contains 2.2 billion points.

The fuselage is taken into account within the computational domain as an immersed boundary (IBM).

The rotation speed corresponds to a very light-weight fuselage (70g).

The Cartesian mesh is stretched far away from the Cartesian core to save on the number of points, with coarser cells at the external borders."

Post-processing and flow images are generated in parallel with Cassiopee ( ).

ONERA FAST solver ( ) is used to run the LES simulation.

The simulation is performed on 1120 Intel Broadwell cores.

Authors: A. Dorange, C. Benoit and B. Constant (ONERA/DAAA, )

00:00 Flight conditions
00:10 Mesh description
00:25 View of flow
00:50 Near view of flow
01:24 Vorticity slices
01:34 Ressource informations


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