Cagatay Ulusoy on Terzi season 3

Описание к видео Cagatay Ulusoy on Terzi season 3

#Terzi was a psychological series. To understand the character of Peyami, one should see beyond words and action. Each viewer must correctly interpret the inner feelings of the character. Peyami Dokumaci was a very difficult character to play, with fluctuating inner states, with states of uncertainty and a lot of suffering, due to his love for his friend's wife.
Only those who can penetrate the depths of these feelings can see why in season 3, #cagatayulusoy was so sad.
And yes, Cagatay speaks with his eyes, and his eyes couldn't be anything but sad.
In all 3 seasons, Cagatay revealed different personalities of the character Peyami Dokumaci. It's a shame that many viewers didn't understand this and downplayed his acting, giving credit to other actors who probably resonated with what they wanted to see.
Do you know what this aspect denotes? The superficiality of some, who choose to see only the outer beauty of an actor and not his creativity or talent.
In Terzi, #CagatayUlusoy had a wide-ranging role that was much harder to play than the other actors because his character was not a stereotypical, repetitive, banal character.
It was a character created on a multitude of soul conflicts, difficult to interpret, but which #cagatayulusoy penciled and brought to life, to a high standard. Too bad many didn't understand the value of the #PeyamiDokumaci character.


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