Activating Lone Star Geyser - My new favorite!!!

Описание к видео Activating Lone Star Geyser - My new favorite!!!

Come along on a ham radio activation of the coolest geyser I've seen in the park yet! It's a 2.5-mile hike into the Yellowstone back country. We'll make plenty of noise to shoo off the bears and bring in the hunters! Witness the raw geothermal power of Yellowstone National Park! Parks on the Air!!!

Buy me a gallon of diesel at:

Set Up:
Yaesu FT-891
25 watts CW
Chameleon 17-ft Whip on Wolf River Coils Tripod
15ah Bioenno LiFePO4
Logging pencil and paper with Write in the Rain notebook

'Patagonia' by Scott Buckley
released under CC-BY 4.0.

'Resonance' by Scott Buckley
released under CC-BY 4.0.

"Rusty Nails" - by Got Happy


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