SteriPEN Ultra Test and Review

Описание к видео SteriPEN Ultra Test and Review

This short video demonstrates the use of the SteriPEN Ultra. We have tested the pen using a solution of E. coli and incubated treated and untreated samples on agar plates for around 48 hours. Some interesting results that have given us confidence to use the pen on our upcoming Asian holiday.

During this test we used one drop of concentrated E.coli solution mixed with 350ml of sterilised water. The water was sterilised using an autoclave.
One sample was treated with the SteriPEN. Both treated and untreated samples were streaked onto agar plates and incubated at 28 degrees. Incubation in lab this laboratory doesn't mirror human body temperature in order to minimise harmful pathogen development.
This is a simple test and by no means would this trial meet official testing standards. It was a bit of fun though. Enjoy!


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