
Описание к видео Data_Structure_Imp_Question

Description: A collection of elements identified by index or key. Elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.


Indexing: Elements are accessed using an index.
Fixed Size: The size of the array is fixed once it is created.
Time Complexity:
Access: O(1)
Insertion/Deletion: O(n) (due to shifting)
Use Cases: Simple lists, lookup tables.

2. Linked Lists
Description: A linear collection of elements where each element points to the next. There are different types of linked lists:

Singly Linked List: Each node points to the next node.
Doubly Linked List: Each node points to both the next and previous nodes.
Circular Linked List: The last node points back to the first node.

Dynamic Size: Can grow or shrink in size.
Time Complexity:
Access: O(n)
Insertion/Deletion: O(1) (given a pointer to the position)
Use Cases: Dynamic data storage, implementation of stacks and queues.

3. Stacks
Description: A collection of elements with Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) access. The most recent element added is the first to be removed.


Operations: Push (add), Pop (remove), Peek (view top element)
Time Complexity:
Push: O(1)
Pop: O(1)
Peek: O(1)
Use Cases: Function call management, undo mechanisms.

4. Queues
Description: A collection of elements with First-In-First-Out (FIFO) access. The first element added is the first to be removed.


Operations: Enqueue (add), Dequeue (remove), Front (view front element)
Time Complexity:
Enqueue: O(1)
Dequeue: O(1)
Front: O(1)
Use Cases: Scheduling tasks, buffering.

5. Hash Tables
Description: A data structure that maps keys to values using a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots.


Operations: Insertion, deletion, and access are typically O(1), assuming a good hash function and low collision.
Handling Collisions: Methods include chaining (linked list) and open addressing (linear probing, quadratic probing).
Use Cases: Fast lookups, associative arrays.

6. Trees
Description: A hierarchical data structure with a root node and children nodes. Common types include:

Binary Trees: Each node has at most two children.
Binary Search Trees (BST): Left child nodes have lesser values, right child nodes have greater values.
AVL Trees: Self-balancing binary search trees.
Red-Black Trees: Another type of self-balancing binary search tree.

Operations: Insertion, deletion, and traversal.
Time Complexity (for balanced trees):
Search: O(log n)
Insertion/Deletion: O(log n)
Use Cases: Hierarchical data representation, efficient searching and sorting.

7. Heaps
Description: A specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property:

Max-Heap: Parent nodes are greater than or equal to child nodes.
Min-Heap: Parent nodes are less than or equal to child nodes.

Operations: Insert, delete, and extract min/max.
Time Complexity:
Insert: O(log n)
Extract Min/Max: O(log n)
Peek Min/Max: O(1)
Use Cases: Priority queues, heap sort.

8. Graphs
Description: A collection of nodes (vertices) and edges (connections between nodes). Graphs can be:

Directed or Undirected
Weighted or Unweighted

Representations: Adjacency matrix, adjacency list.
Operations: Traversal (DFS, BFS), shortest path (Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford), minimum spanning tree (Kruskal's, Prim's).
Use Cases: Network routing, social networks, pathfinding algorithms.

9. Tries (Prefix Trees)
Description: A tree-like data structure used to store strings or sequences. Each node represents a common prefix.


Operations: Insert, search, and delete.
Time Complexity: O(m) where m is the length of the string being inserted or searched.
Use Cases: Autocomplete, spell checking.

10. Sets
Description: A collection of distinct elements. Sets do not allow duplicate elements.


Operations: Insertion, deletion, membership testing.
Time Complexity:
Average-case O(1) for operations, assuming a good hash function.
Use Cases: Membership testing, set operations (union, intersection).

Key Takeaways:

Choose Data Structures Wisely: The choice of data structure can significantly impact the performance of your algorithms.
Understand Trade-offs: Different data structures offer different trade-offs in terms of time complexity and space complexity.
Practice Implementing: Implementing data structures from scratch helps in understanding their mechanics and use cases better.


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