Boken Shonen Shadar/ Adventure Boy Shadar (冒険少年シャダー) FULL OPENING

Описание к видео Boken Shonen Shadar/ Adventure Boy Shadar (冒険少年シャダー) FULL OPENING

Boken Shonen Shadar/ Adventure Boy Shadar (冒険少年シャダー) is a Shonen anime that aired on September 18th 1967 to March 16th 1968 and had 26 episodes with it airing 156 times in total with rebroadcasts and was dubbed into Korean, Spanish and Italian. The series has a reputation for scaring children due to graphic nature of the episodes. This full version of the opening was from a record containing the opening and ending for Shadar. I found this on Nico Nico Video and thought it was a good idea to post onto YouTube for archiving purposes. Enjoy!



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