Soldiers Move Like Jagger

Описание к видео Soldiers Move Like Jagger

Moves LIke Jaggar by Maroon 5. (Which I do not own nor make a profit from)

The clips in this video are from some videos I found on Youtube of soldiers dancing. I was originally going to make a serious music video about the troops. However, once I found these awesome dancing military videos....well I couldn't help myself ^____^. Either way, this is dedicated to the hard working troops overseas. I appreciate everything that those men and woman do for not only us but other countries. I salute you and make this video out of respect for all the work and sacrifices they make.

Again thank you for your service and I hope everyone enjoys this video. ^_^

Also because I couldn't reply to a comment below...

This comment came under my approval. The only reason I approved it was because of the thing the troops are fighting for. Freedom. They have the freedom to voice their opinions without getting harassed or ridiculed for them. They have the freedom to say what their beliefs are without getting persecuted.

I do not agree with what they are saying but I respect their right to say it. Even if it is mean to the brave soldiers fighting for other people's freedom in other countries. They are fighting for freedom, no matter what the agendas of the government of the USA (Not America because that includes Canada, Mexico, and South America. And not even North America cause that includes Canada. But the United States OF America).

Those soldiers have volunteered to go to another country and risk their lives in the idea of giving that country the same freedoms as citizens from the USA have. They are there to fight for those being oppressed by terrorists or some other group or leader keeping them oppressed. They are brave and kind people who are doing their best to help those in need.

We can not oppress this person's opinion. That would be spitting in the face of these soldiers who are fighting for their voice to be heard, even if it ends up belittling or demonizing themselves.

So in the name of Freedom of Speech, do not be nasty to him. Just vote up if you agree or down if you don't. I will vote down because I disagree but agree in his right to speak his beliefs.

Thank you for your belief and being able to share it with everyone.


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