Bakugou means a lot to Midoriya // og in description

Описание к видео Bakugou means a lot to Midoriya // og in description

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   • "If you expose Bakubro, Midobro will ...  
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My research 🌸😁
’ll start with explaining why I wanted a girl.
1- girl more tend to gossip along with exaggerating the truth. Especially in highschool, if you don’t know what I’m talking about you are really old or really young or just a loner- there are multiple group chats and social media accounts made just for gossip, good and bad. And they are 98% of the time run by girls or girl groups. Sure some guys find their ways into this stuff but it’s never taken into account because of them being a guy.
2- there is a big difference between gossip and rumors. Gossip is between girls, they run it to the point. Rumors are things that can be true but are normally takin in a negative way- the rumor department is when guys normally step in. Yes guy do gossip with eachother but they never gossip with just guys, however guys will talk about rumors they here all the time with no girls around.
3- girl are normally better at eavesdropping

Now for the elimination process of all the girl in class 1-A.
1- Mina. Yes, she is the gossip queen who I was originally gonna use- However, you are right, she doesn’t think about how it would effect others and frankly doesn’t care. Which is why i truly did want to use her for this. If you watched the video you would see Uraraka contemplating if she should tell or not, she keep thinking over things before and after she does them. And feel bad after wards. Which is something Mina would never do. Along with the fact she is in the bakusquad, which I don’t really want to use the girls from their just because it’s bakugou’s states “closest friend” (which I’m pretty sure no body actually thinks Mina is a close friend with Bakugou)
2- Jiro. She I also close with bakugou, to the point where she is sometimes put into the bakusquad by some fans even though she isn’t actually part of the squad. She is self secluded and really doesn’t like confrontation between her friend or peers. Along with the fact she always has headphones normally listening to music, while yes she can hear almost everything- she keeps the headphones on so she doesn’t hear everyone’s conversations. So she wouldn’t actually have the urge to listen into the conversation if she saw Bakugou and Deku talking.
3- Hagakure, she is also known for a high chance of eavesdropping and is very sneaky about it (mostly because of her quirk) however she doesn’t like fighting between her classmates and she hates being the cause of it so she normally sits down to the side and ignores all the bad and just focuses on the good and hypes everyone about the good in bad situations. Which is why I didn’t choose her.
4- Asui. She is very blunt about her feelings and she doesn’t hide them, she doesn’t actually like Bakugou that much however the are still concerned calm with eachother and a great team. However she isn’t so great at gossip if she is the person to tell others. If I had used her she would’ve confronted the two boys about it then and there and not share it with the others without getting the whole story and if she was told not to tell anyone she wouldn’t.
5-Momo. She is a pure queen, she will listen to peoples problems and listen to people complain and listen to people gossip to her but she will never share them with anyone. She is one of the characters who are great at keeping secrets and she would never tell anyone anything without permission. Which I could have changed this in the AU but I didn’t because then it was be a huge change out of character for her.
6-Ochako. Yes, she is a very nice character and cares about everyone and would never intentional hurt any of them. Especially Bakugou, they have a great bod and have an equal respect for each other. However, if something is wrong she is the one to take a stand and try and fix the problem while over thinking through the whole situation over and over again to make sure she is making the best decision in her mind with her logic. Which is why in chose her. She had good intentions in mind when telling the others however everyone takes it where she hates Bakugou for what he had said to Deku. She adores Deku, she wants to help it’s all his problems even if that means interfering with information that isn’t her business.


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