Top 10 Loudest Animals In The World

Описание к видео Top 10 Loudest Animals In The World

Let me first define noise, anything which is unpleasant to your ear or you can say something that makes you withdraw or runaway at that point of time. Any noise which is above 120 decibels becomes physically painful to ears. However, normal human being shout is around 70 decibels but there are many animals, insects and different species that can make much louder sounds. We all have learned about voices of different animals in school days but there are many species whose sound can make us partially deaf.

We humans are not the noisiest creature on this planet. The highest recorded sound on this planet is 230 decibels. These sounds will be very painful for humans but for animals it is being used for different purpose like defending themselves from predators, warning their companions and also for mating. Let me tell you more about 10 loudest animals in the world.


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