Joe Moscheo II

Описание к видео Joe Moscheo II

Joe Moscheo...yesterday was a different day for me...I knew God was calling you and your healing would be complete...and I was preparing, but did not want to miss the special moments we shared walking life always made me laugh...and with your Italian way, would make classic gestures...that only you could do!
As i scanned through my photo libraries from many, many years past, with the Imperials playing softly behind...It was a Sweet Sweet Spirit.
I am thankful to Joe Moscheo for playing such a significant part in my life and career. In 1981, Joe came to NY, we got together often when he would visit his parents in Albany. I was at a crossroad and preparing to make a big decision in my life. As we visited, he knew my love for music and encouraged me to come check out TN...A few days later I was on a plane taking him up on his offer.
He did as he said...taught me about the industry and introduced to his close circle of industry friends.
So much I could say about Joe, but I could never put on paper what my heart is feeling today.
Last night as I was going through photos, I assembled some of my favorite times and want to share with so many that knew and loved him.


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