Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
*English description is at the bottom section.*
00:00 : intro
01:01 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:28 : memasak daging brisket (cooking the brisket)
03:21 : membuat kuah barbecue (making the BBQ braising liquid)
04:18 : memasak brisket di kuah barbecue (cooking the brisket in the braising liquid)
04:49 : membuat saus barbeque (making the BBQ Sauce)
05:27 : membuat chimichurri (making Chimichurri)
07:41 : memanggang daging (grilling the brisket)
08:43 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)
#ResepBrisketBarbecue #ResepBeefBrisketBarbecue #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Barbecue Brisket (untuk 10 porsi)
Bahan presto:
2,2 kg daging sapi brisket
5 lembar daun salam
6 siung bawang putih, geprek
50 gr jahe, geprek & iris
3 liter air
3 sdm garam
2 sdm kaldu bubuk
Bahan bumbu halus:
2 buah tomat merah
60 gr bawang putih
4 cm jahe
10 siung bawang merah
60 ml minyak
Bahan saus:
80 gr saus tiram
150 gr saus tomat
150 gr saus bbq
5 sdm kecap manis
1 liter air
Bahan sambal chimichurri:
5 siung bawang putih
¼ buah bawang bombai
7 buah cabai merah keriting
15 buah cabai rawit hijau
60 ml minyak panas
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir
½ sdt merica
70 gr daun ketumbar
1 buah lemon
20 gr parsley
50 ml olive oil
Bahan tambahan saus:
2 sdm gula palem
½ buah lemon
60 gr saus tomat
125 ml air
kentang goreng
jagung rebus
sambal bawang
tomat ceri
1. Siapkan presto, masukkan air, jahe, bawang putih, daun salam, daging, garam dan kaldu bubuk. Presto daging selama 70-80 menit
2. Masukkan tomat, bawang putih, jahe dan bawang merah ke dalam blender, haluskan kemudian tumis hingga kering
3. Tambahkan saus tomat, saus tiram, saus bbq, kecap manis dan air, aduk rata kemudian masukkan daging, masak selama 30 menit di api sedang kecil
4. Tiriskan daging dan masukkan ke dalam kulkas sesaat sebelum di potong
5. Masukkan air, gula palem, saus tomat dan perasaan lemon ke dalam saus, masak sesaat
6. Untuk chimichurri, siapkan chopper masukkan bawang putih, bawang bombai, cabai merah keriting dan cabai rawit hijau, haluskan dan pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
7. Tambahkan minyak panas, aduk rata. Blender parsley, daun ketumbar, perasan lemon, garam gula dan merica, blender sesaat kemudian campurkan ke dalam cabai
8. Tambahkan olive oil, aduk rata
9. Potong daging lalu panggang dengan wajan hingga sedikit kecokelatan kemudian bungkus dengan baking paper
10. Susun daging dan pelengkap lainnya
11. Barbecue brisket siap disajikan
Barbecue Brisket Recipe (yield 10 servings)
To pressure cook:
2.2 kg beef brisket
5 pc bay leaf
6 clove garlic, pounded
50 g ginger, pounded & sliced
3 liter water
3 tbsp salt
2 tbsp stock powder
Blended Spices:
2 pc red tomato
60 g garlic
4 cm ginger
10 pc shallot
60 ml oil
Sauce ingredients:
80 g oyster sauce
150 g ketchup
150 g BBQ sauce
5 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 liter water
Chimichurri ingredients:
5 clove garlic
¼ pc onion
7 pc curly red chili
15 pc green Thai chili
60 ml hot oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp pepper
70 g cilantro
1 pc lemon
20 g parsley
50 ml olive oil
BBQ Sauce ingredients:
2 tbsp palm sugar
½ pc lemon
60 g ketchup
125 ml water
French fries
Boiled corn
Shallot Sambal
Cherry tomato
1. Into the pressure cooker, add water, ginger, garlic, bay leaf, brisket, salt, and stock powder. Cook for 70-80 minutes.
2. Into the blender, add tomatoes, garlic, ginger, and shallots. Blend, then sauté until fragrant.
3. Add ketchup, oyster sauce, BBQ sauce, sweet soy sauce, and water. Stir well, then add the brisket in. Cook for 30 minutes on medium-low heat.
4. Set the brisket aside, then place in the fridge a moment before slicing.
5. Add water, palm sugar, ketchup, and lemon juice into the sauce. Cook for a moment.
6. For the Chimichurri, add garlic, onion, curly red chili, and green Thai chili into the chopper. Chop finely, then transfer to a bowl.
7. Add hot oil, mix well. Blend the parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, salt, sugar, and pepper for a moment, then mix with the chopped chili.
8. Add olive oil. Mix well.
9. Slice the brisket, then grill on a nonstick pan until browned. Wrap in a baking paper.
10. Plate the brisket and sides.
11. Barbecue Brisket is ready to serve.
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