Empty salna Recipe in tamil

Описание к видео Empty salna Recipe in tamil

( Grain the paste)

Oil. = 1 tbsp

Onion = 1

Coriander seeds = 2 tbsp

Seeraham = 1 /2 tbsp
(cumin seeds)

Pepper. = 1 /2 tbsp

Sombu. = 1/2 tbsp
(fennel seeds)

Ginger & garlic. = 5 pices

Coconut. = 1 small cup

Red chilli powder. = 1 tbsp

(salana preparation)

Oil = 2 tbsp

Onion (chopped). = 2

Star anise. = 2

Clove. = 3

Caradoman. = 2

Cinnamon stick. = 1

Coriander & mint leaf

Tomato (chopped) = 2

Salt to taste


Информация по комментариям в разработке