The Last Priest (A Short Film by Leonard Vincent Rode)

Описание к видео The Last Priest (A Short Film by Leonard Vincent Rode)

"After being forsaken by God, a doubting priest goes out on a symbolic journey to regain his faith."

A faithless priest (Raymond Rode) lives alone on the Swedish countryside. When one night he gets a revelation in the form of a dream, he decides the next morning to embark on a symbolic journey to regain his faith. During this journey he meets a stranger (Thorsten Flinck). The man tells him why he lost his faith and what he had to do to regain it. He is then asked to reunite with a person from his past. In the hope of this, the priest continues his pilgrimage into the unknown.

Written and Directed: Leonard Vincent Rode

CAST & Credit
Actors: Raymond Rode and Thorsten Flinck
Cinematography: Leonard Vincent Rode
Editing: Leonard Vincent Rode
Composer: Hozay Williams
Production Company: Open Landscapes Productions


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