MS Elephant Man pt 1

Описание к видео MS Elephant Man pt 1

October 11th, 1973, Jackson County, MS, evening, Charles Hickson (42) and Calvin Parker (19) are fishing of the pier on the west bank of the Pascagoula River. They are soon interrupted by a whirring/whizzing noise emanating from an oval shaped object with two flashing blue lights. The men claimed to have been "conscious but paralyzed" while three creatures with "robotic slit-mouths" and "crab-like pincers" brought them aboard the object and examined them.

Hickson and Parker described the creatures as humanoid, standing about five feet tall, with pale colored, wrinkled, "elephant" like skin. The things had no eyes or ears, but had strange, "carrot like" growths in place where the features would be. Their "bullet like" heads seemed to connect directly to their shoulders with no discernible neck. They seemed to only have on leg, as if the legs were fused together. ending in elephant-like feet.

They were said to move in mechanical, "robotic" ways, and could also hover above the ground.

After the examination, the two were returned to the shore, and the craft shot off into the night sky.

I'm working on making some art toys, and haven't been able to figure out what to do, but now I've got it! Cryptids from all 50 states! I'm starting with my home state of Mississippi and the Pascagoula Elephant Men! If you have an idea for state/creature, let me know in the comments below!

Stay spacial and, be seeing you.


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