Master's Fury Longplay (Arcade) [4K]

Описание к видео Master's Fury Longplay (Arcade) [4K]

Game Info
Developer: Unico
Publisher: Unico
Year of Release: 1996

Game Review & Impressions
Despite being one of the lesser known fighting games out there, Master's Fury is really just a half-baked knock off of Street Fighter II, with some elements of SNK's King of Fighters series thrown in.

The roster of fighters is a weird Mr Potato Head affair, where combatants, costumes and fighting moves are stuck together to create these weird mashups that seem oddly familiar. Kill Ruki is a great example, sporting a Guile-esque haircut, but dressed like King from KoF, but possessing animation and moves oddly reminiscent of M. Bison; it's all extremely odd, to say the least.

On the subject of graphics, it seems the game has an internal resolution of 384 x 224, but applying the typical 4:3 aspect ratio changes this to 384 x 288, which results in all of the artwork being stretched vertically, which ends up looking plain weird when compared to the raw 1:1 internal resolution. This is most pronounced when comparing the victory screen artwork showcasing the character portraits - they look wrong in 4:3.

As for the gameplay, it's just a clone of Street of Fighter II, sans the polish and professionalism of Capcom's game. This isn't terrible, but the controls and collision detection are simply too unpredictable, resulting in a game that just feels unrewarding to play.



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