4 Ways to Know You’re Called to Be a Christian Life Coach

Описание к видео 4 Ways to Know You’re Called to Be a Christian Life Coach

Listen as I share four (4) ways for you to know if you’re called to be a Christian Life Coach.

Greetings! I am Dr. Patrice Carter, The Coaches’ Coach,

My purpose is to add value to my fellow Coaches and the coaching industry as a whole and to encourage new coaches or those considering coaching, on their journey, through my expertise, experiences and resources.

In this video, I share a definition of calling by Tony Stolzfus (2008) “calling” is an external commission I accept to serve a greater good. My impetus/choice to serve certain other without regard to personal reward.

I will share that as marketplace ministers, we can expect, given that we work for God that He is now our boss and He pays excellent benefits and wages. Our coaching is both a call to action, a call to work and a call to ministry. The rewards are numerous!

The four ways you can determine if you’re called to be a Christian Life Coach are to consider the following four broad topics and prayerfully and thoughtfully answer the following questions (Stolzfus, 2008):

**Remember that coaching is all about asking and listening. So as you consider, ask and as you ask listen and write down what you hear the Lord saying.


1. What legacy do you want to leave behind?

2. What’s a really great legacy look like to you? Give me an example or two of a life you truly admire.

3. What do you most care about that is bigger than you?

4. Imagine at the end of your life looking back. What deeds would enable you to honestly say, “that was a life well lived?”

Who will you serve?

Who do you want to help with your life?

Think back over the last 90 days. Who have you gone out of your way to help, in big ways or small ways? What drew you to each of these people?

Service from Suffering

1. What individuals or groups do you deeply identify with our of your own suffering?

2. What difficulties have you faced that become defining moments when you overcame them? How have those experiences equipped you to serve others?

3. In what areas of your life that were broken or messed up in the past are you now helping others? What messages of hope does your life embody for others?

Tuning Into God

1. What do your spiritual values have to say about the purpose of your life?

2. What has God put you on this earth for?

3. What could you do what the life you’ve been given that you would make you look forward to showing the results to your Creator

Train with me: Become a Certified Christian Life Coach www.drpatricecarter.com

Coach with me: www.drpatricecarter.com

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Learn more about me at www.drpatricecarter.com.

I’m happy to help!

Love, Dr. Patrice



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