Salvia 'Rose Marvel' (Meadow Sage) // Promising NEW perennial for sunny, well-drained sites

Описание к видео Salvia 'Rose Marvel' (Meadow Sage) // Promising NEW perennial for sunny, well-drained sites

You will love the stunning spikes of rich, deep rose flowers adorned with with purple calyxes as a long blooming vertical blast of color in your garden border. This plant has the largest flower of all the Meadow Sages. It will re-bloom 3 or 4 times in the one year - just trim back fading flowers to have it come AGAIN and AGAIN.
This is a promising new variety, part of the Hand Picked For You® Program, a plant certification program backed by a community of plant breeders, growers and independent retailers.

More at:

Salvia nemeroas 'Rose Marvel'
PP 30,118


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