[KPOP MR 노래방] 부담이 돼 - 정키 (With Melody Ver.)ㆍAnymore - Jung Key

Описание к видео [KPOP MR 노래방] 부담이 돼 - 정키 (With Melody Ver.)ㆍAnymore - Jung Key

[KPOP MR 노래방] 부담이 돼 - 정키 (With Melody Ver.)ㆍAnymore - Jung Key


I can not say anything more.
Other reasons
I have no excuse
I know it's meaningless.
It's all about the end.
Do not ask me any more.
When to leave
I wonder why
All this together
You say it was difficult.
In your hand
That night
At that moment,
All that
I can not tell you any more
Remain as a wound
Everything to me
It's a burden.
That's me
Do not say
I can not help myself.
It was very hard until today.
You know
In your hand
That night
At that moment,
All that
I can not tell you any more
Remain as a wound
Everything to me
At first,
I did not mind.
The deeper the better
Suddenly in your arms
I'm so afraid of the end.
It's okay.
In your hand
That night
I'm sorry at the moment.
Understand me
I can not tell you any more
That's all for me.
It's a burden.
Even now I face
In your hand
That night
I'm sorry at the moment.
Please understand me.
I know it will not be easy
I can not do it anymore.

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Please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail Below!
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