Triumphant Workout Playlist | Guardsman Workout | Imperial Guard 🟢 Only in death does duty end

Описание к видео Triumphant Workout Playlist | Guardsman Workout | Imperial Guard 🟢 Only in death does duty end

Music that I use for Workouts in the Warhammer 40k theme, fitting the Imperial Guard. I used some Quotes from DoW 1 & DoW 2.

0:00 Heroes Without Number (High Intensity): Dawn of War II - Eternal Beta OST
3:46 Endless War 7 OST - Main Menu
6:09 Endless War 7 OST - Battle
12:08 Jesper Kyd - Heroes And Generals: German Theme
15:40 Company of Heroes 2 The British Forces OST 03
18:39 Company of Heroes 2 The British Forces OST 02
21:47 Day of Defeat: Source Theme
24:42 Imperial Guard Theme | Dawn of War - Winter Assault Soundtrack
27:43 Titan of the Emperor | Dawn of War - Winter Assault Soundtrack
29:50 The Unsung War - Ace Combat 5 Original Soundtrack
37:01 Eliphas - Space Hulk Debriefing (remix)
39:41 Sturnn | Dawn of War - Winter Assault Soundtrack

I do not own these songs. If you like these tunes, remember to support the artists who created the musical works featured in the video!
All of the content is used just for recreational purposes, non-profit video.


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