Top 10 Best Monsters from Classic YGO (Cards from before Synchros came out)

Описание к видео Top 10 Best Monsters from Classic YGO (Cards from before Synchros came out)

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Something you will realize if you take a close look at the current banlist is that most banned classic cards are spells and traps. Fact is, most early monsters were not really that good. Save for specific cases, old school monsters don’t see any sort of play nowadays because they simply weren’t as good as its backrow counterparts. While we’ve still seen topping decklists running Foolish Burial, Imperial Order and Change of Heart, we don’t really see any players summoning Gravekeeper’s Spy or Card Trooper. The cards we’re gonna be looking into today are the exceptions to this, either seeing play beyond their time, or completely upheaving the format they were played in

Script by Cursed-Eyes
Edited by Lily

├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10 – Jinzo: (0:34)
9 – Cyber-Stein: (4:06)
8 – Zombie Master: (6:40)
7 – Elemental HERO Stratos: (8:30)
6 – Light and Darkness Dragon: (11:21)
5 – Treeborn Frog: (13:35)
4 – Makyura the Destructor: (16:19)
3 – Dark Magician of Chaos: (18:11)
2 – Gladiator Beast Gyzarus: (20:49)
1 – Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning: (24:44)

#yugioh #top10 #YGOtop10

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