Here's how this one tip will make you MILLIONS early wipe // Escape from Tarkov

Описание к видео Here's how this one tip will make you MILLIONS early wipe // Escape from Tarkov

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wipe day in Escape from Tarkov is hands down everyone's FAVORITE time to play this game because every player is on an even playing field and you won't have level 70 chads curb stomping you back to the stash. The
problem for most players however is getting through that early wipe grind and setting yourself up to not be completely broke going into the first month of wipe. But what if I gave you one simple tip to ensure that you
NEVER run out of roubles? So today I'm going to be giving you guys my blueprint on how I prep for a fresh wipe.


Hackers - Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio


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