Trailer Loading - 2018 Coors Cowboy Club Ranch Rodeo - Friday

Описание к видео Trailer Loading - 2018 Coors Cowboy Club Ranch Rodeo - Friday

I do not know if this event was invented by the Coors Cowboy Club but it is the first time I have seen it in action at any rodeo of any kind. Teams have to cut two numbered calves out of a bunch and drive them down to a trailer, load them, close a trailer partition behind them then load two horses before closing the gate behind them. Then all four cowboys have to cram into the front seat of the pickup in front of the trailer, close both doors and only then, honk the horn to stop the timer. Dinner time! ha! #Rodeo #TrailerLoading #CCCRR

This film is a product of the Heritage Preservation Project.


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