Diorama - A shopping street in front of a train station ミニチュア昭和の駅前商店街作り

Описание к видео Diorama - A shopping street in front of a train station ミニチュア昭和の駅前商店街作り

Diorama - A shopping street in front of a train station.
I turned the station and the stores around it into a diorama.
From the left, the stores on the street are a bakery, a tea house, a fishmonger, a butcher, a grocer, and a sushi shop.
The setting is Japan, around the 1960s and the 1970s.
1/150 Scale

ジオラマ ミニチュア昭和の駅前商店街作り

◆ Diorama Miniature Hobbit village ジオラマ作り ホビット村の風景
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◆ Diorama - Autumn Countryside ミニチュア秋の田園風景作り
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◆ Diocolle - Building Collection Miniature Seafood Store Kit ジオコレ 建物コレクション ミニチュア魚屋さん作り
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◆ Diocolle - Building Collection Miniature Modern Construction Site Kit ジオコレ 建物コレクション ミニチュア建築中の建物B作り
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◆ Diocolle - Building Collection Miniature Sushi Restaurant & Bar Kit ジオコレ- 建物コレクション ミニチュアBAR寿司店作り
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◆ DIORAMA COLLECTION – Diocolle Playlist. ジオラマコレクション - ジオコレ再生リスト
   • DIORAMA COLLECTION ジオラマコレクション 作ろう!ジオラマ  

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