Many 85 YEAR OLD Jews and Christians Visit our Masjid - SEE How we treated them!

Описание к видео Many 85 YEAR OLD Jews and Christians Visit our Masjid - SEE How we treated them!

Another Amazing Mosque Tour by our Jewish and Chrisitan SENIOR neighbors - Islamic Foundation North
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Please watch my other videos:
1. Why are Islamophobes turning to Islam:    • He wanted to BAN Islam from the Nethe...  
2. Is the Shariah Law ‘Barbaric’?:    • A lady listens to lecture on Islam, t...  
3. Shariah explained:    • A lady asks Tough Question about shar...  
4. Is Jihad Holy War?:    • Christian Americans Listen to THIS IS...  
5. Was Jesus a Muslim or a Christian:    • The Muslim Jesus (Talk + Q & A Session)  
6. She is 13 years old and her fantastic advice:    • I am 13 and I became a Muslim.  Her a...  
7. Why should the Jews thank the Muslims?    • Islam SAVED the Jews - Interfaith You...  
8. Top 10 ways to End Racism?    • How to END Racism? - Amazing advice b...  
9. Answering hard questions about Islam:    • Christians Grilled Muslim Speaker wit...  
10. Christian Muslim debate with a preacher:    • Christian Muslim Debate got a little ...  
11. How to share Islam on the FOX NEWS:    • FOX News invited me to their studio t...  
12. Marriage Advice to the newlywed REVERT groom:    • Groom Converts to Islam, Gets Married...  
13. 7 Habits of Highly Successful Muslims:    • 7 Habits of Highly Successful Muslims...  
14. Who are the Sunnis and the Shias:    • If you ask me: Are you a SUNNI OR A S...  
15. Part 1 – Explaining about Women in Islam to a Church lady:    • Part 1 - Concerned Church Lady Amazed...  
16. Part 2 – Explaining about Women in Islam to a Church lady:    • Part 2 - Concerned Church Lady Amazed...  
17. An amazing story of a grandmother and her dawah:    • American Grandmother doing Amazing da...  
18. Christians students asking questions about Islam:    • Christian Students told to ask any qu...  
19. Does Islam allow four wives:    • A lady argues about POLYGAMY - gets a...  
20. Watch the playlist of Videos on Sharing Islam:

Translated titles:
Muchos judíos y cristianos de 85 AÑOS visitan nuestra Masjid-¡VEA cómo los tratamos!

De nombreux juifs et chrétiens de 85 ans visitent notre Masjid-VOYEZ comment nous les avons traité

कई 85 साल के यहूदी और ईसाई हमारी मस्जिद

يزور العديد من اليهود والمسيحيين الذين يبلغون من العمر

অনেক 85 বছর বয়সী ইহুদি এবং খ্রিস্টানর

Banyak Orang Yahudi dan Kristen 85 TAHUN Mengunjungi Masjid kami-LIHAT Bagaimana kami memperlakukan

Ramai Yahudi dan Kristian BERUSIA 85 TAHUN Mengunjungi Masjid kami-LIHAT Bagaimana kami melayan mere

ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ 85 ਸਾਲ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਯਹੂਦੀ ਅਤੇ ਈਸਾਈ ਸ

85 YAŞINDAKİ pek çok Yahudi ve Hristiyan Mescidimizi ziyaret ediyor-Onlara nasıl davrandığım

بہت سے 85 سال کے یہودی اور عیسائی ہماری مسجد میں آتے ہیں-


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