Indonesia - Anti-Suharto demonstration

Описание к видео Indonesia - Anti-Suharto demonstration

(4 Apr 1998) T/I: 10:00:30

Thousands of students on Thursday (2/4) clashed with hundreds of riot police during anti-Suharto demonstrations at the University of Gajah Mada, the oldest campus in Indonesia, and at the nearby State Institute for Islamic Studies. Both are in President Suharto's home town of Jogyakarta, Java. Police fired tear gas and students hurled rocks during the confrontation. The students were calling for an end to the president's 32-year rule and for the implementation of economic and political reforms.



WS Students marching.
Various protest signs.
Student actor covered in fake blood, WS march.
VS Police blockade,
VS police.
MS Activist with loud hailer.
Students start to push police.
WS pushing and shoving.
WS and MS demonstration.
WS Police reinforcements,
WS police and demonstrators.
Students and police clash,
CUS clash.
WS police beating students,
MS beatings,
students charge police.
MS injured student,
MS injured student.
Student being carried.
WS police water cannon truck patrolling the scene of the clash.
WS debris aftermath.
MS water cannon spreading water;
VS students throwing stones;
MS tear gas being return by the students;


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