Building a Cabin in The Woods | Ceiling Insulation & Sheeting

Описание к видео Building a Cabin in The Woods | Ceiling Insulation & Sheeting

Levi’s brother flies up to help us wrap up the cabin roof and the interior insulation/sheeting!

We made some amazing progress this week with the extra set of hands and could not be more grateful for it. Once we get windows and doors in, we are officially working on the cabin's interior.

We will be building porches on both ends of the cabin but those are lower priority to make sure we actually live indoors before winter comes. And winter is coming!

More garden updates are on the way as well as a dip netting trip this July to try and bring home some salmon. Summer is coming to an end already so we are working hard on only the highest of priorities. Firewood and a wood shed are still high on the list too!


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