泰國清邁最古老開基清曼寺!蘭納建築元素解析!Murmuring on Lanna Style Architecture and Oldest Temple Wat Chiang Man|散步碎碎念

Описание к видео 泰國清邁最古老開基清曼寺!蘭納建築元素解析!Murmuring on Lanna Style Architecture and Oldest Temple Wat Chiang Man|散步碎碎念


我們將先走一趟蘭納建築博物館,瞭解蘭納風格的民宅和寺廟的建築特色,然後再走一趟清邁古城中最老的寺廟清曼寺(Wat Chiang Man),進一步瞭解這座廟的歷史故事。

#清邁 #ChiangMai #清曼寺 #เชียงใหม่ #วัดเชียงมั่น #WatChiangMan #Lanna #蘭納 #孟萊王 #建築, #山形牆 #Naga #kale #碎碎念

Since northern Thailand and Chiang Mai were once ruled by Burma, it was not accepted as Thai territory by King Rama V of Siam until 1892. Therefore, the temples in Chiang Mai have their unique architectural style. In addition to the Lanna style, you will also see the influence of Myanmar in the west, Cambodia in the east, Sukhothai in the south, and even as far as Sri Lanka.

We will first take a trip to the Lanna Architecture Museum (Khum Museum) to learn about the architectural features of Lanna-style houses and temples, and then take a trip to Wat Chiang Man, the oldest temple in the ancient city of Chiang Mai, to learn more about its historical story.

If there are kind Thai people who want to give me any suggestion, please leave your words or comments to me, THANKS.
หากมีคนไทยใจดีอยากแนะนำอะไรก็คอมเม้นไว้ได้เลยนะครับ ขอบคุณ
東南亞巡遊 Cruising over South East Asia
第一站-泰國清邁First Stop: Chiang Mai, Thailand
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․   • 泰國清邁最古老開基清曼寺!蘭納建築元素解析!Murmuring on La...   (蘭納建築與寺廟/ Lanna-Style Architecture and Wat Chiang Man)
․   • 清邁必逛古城最高建築!不囉嗦!一次尋訪4座古廟!Murmuring on ...   (古城4座古寺的故事/ 4 Ancient Temples in Chiang Mai Old Town)
第二站-泰國曼谷 Second Stop: Bangkok, Thailand
․   • 曼谷昭披耶河巡遊!鄭王廟裡沒有鄭王Murmuring on River C...   (昭披耶河巡航與黎明寺/ Cruising on Chao Phraya River and Wat Arun)
第三站-印尼雅加達 Third Stop: Jakarta, Indonesia
․   • 解密巴達維亞、Jayakarta身世之謎。尋找雅加達的城市根源 │Hist...   (尋找雅加達的城市根源/ About the Origin of Jakarta)
第四站-印尼日惹 Fourth Stop: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
․   • 站在爪哇宇宙中軸線|日惹馬里歐波羅、皇宮、水宮、紀念碑|Javanese ...   (站在日惹的爪哇宇宙中軸線/ Standing on the Javanese Philosophy Axis)
․   • 穿越欲色登上無色界、吸收正能量:全世界最大佛寺婆羅浮屠|Up to For...   (全世界最大佛寺婆羅浮屠/ Climbing Up to Formless Realm, Candi Borobudur)
第五站-印尼泗水 Fifth Stop: Surabaya, Indonesia
第六站-印尼峇里島 Sixth Stop: Bali, Indonesia
0:00 開場/Opening
0:22 蘭納建築博物館/ Khum Museum
0:43 蘭納民宅樣式/ Lanna-Style Architecture
1:35 蘭納寺廟特徵/ Lanna-Style Temple
3:19 佛像樣式/ Styles of Buddha Statue
4:12 清曼寺歷史/ History of the Wat ChiangMan
5:04 清曼寺正殿/ Ubosot
6:18 清曼寺側殿佛堂/ Wiharn
7:29 清曼寺佛塔/ Chedi
7:47 清曼寺藏經閣/ Ho Trai


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