Fixing a ripped leaking CV Axle Boot

Описание к видео Fixing a ripped leaking CV Axle Boot

I'm not sure how this happened but it was time for shoe Goo Glue to be put to test and see how well it holds up

2017 Silverado Parts List:
My Garage Products:

If, for whatever reason you find it in your heart to support our channel and our family projects to help us grow faster and be able to do more mod/upgrade vids sooner, here is my paypal.
[email protected]

All of my Music is Copyright Free and I get of my music from a lot of sources. Here are the channels bellow that offer these songs that i use.

Audio Library
   / @audiolibrary_  
Bass Rebels
   / @bassrebels  
ByeByeCopyright - Music promotion company
   / @mychannel-b2t6c  
Free Background Music
   / Канал  
FreeMusicWave - No Copyright Music
   / @freemusicwave  
   / @wearefrequencymusic  
heroboard – Music for Creators
   / @heroboard  
Joakim Karud
   / @joakimkarud  
Keep Me Chilled
   / @keepmechilled  
Kevin MacLeod
   / @incompetech_kmac  
Mitchell Miller Music
   / @mitchellmillermusic  
   / @nocopyrightsounds  
Orbital Music
   / @orbitalmusicyt  
   / @vipnmusic  
   / @whitesandcomposer  


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