How to fill out form for upcoming tax changes to your YouTube earnings UK

Описание к видео How to fill out form for upcoming tax changes to your YouTube earnings UK

See new updated video with more detail. I completed mine in English for a UK resident I share how I did it to help anyone else in the UK    • Getting UK Tax Residency certificate ...   This is how i filled my application and i am not a TAX expert please ensure you relate to your own personal circumstances. This video was filled out for my circumstances. There was an updated video that also came out with more details. I don't think many people watched that one as they either didn't get notified or they didn't subscribe. in that video, as a backup, I mentioned ticking all 3 as if you ever earn by the other means you won't need to refill the form    • Detailed Step by step view of filling...   again as I am not a tax expert and just some guy on YouTube telling you how I did my form people should get professional advice which can be more specific to their own channels criteria.

The UK and US have a tax treaty which means you shouldn't pay tax twice. Also please note this is how i did it, It may not necessarily be right for everyone circumstances. I would recommend getting your own legal/tax advice to anyone watching this video
You will need to complete a form W8-BEN where you declare to YouTube that you are a UK taxpayer.
When asked for your taxpayer identification number (TIN) you will provide your British NI number.
When completing your UK tax return you will be able to deduct these taxes which have already been paid from your tax liability.

You do not pay tax twice if your country has a tax treaty with the US. They simply deduct tax and then send you the receipt to file when you file tax, if your country owes more tax (Canada ie) then you pay the remaining owing balance
‪@TrustedCreator‬ ‪@zulfphotography‬
Source: am Financial Planner
Here is the start of the email We're reaching out because Google will be required to deduct US taxes from payments to creators outside the US later this year (as early as June 2021). Over the next few weeks, we'll be asking you to submit your tax info in AdSense to determine the correct amount of taxes to deduct, if any apply. If your tax info isn't provided by 31 May 2021, Google may be required to deduct up to 24% of your total earnings worldwide. tax information youtube Adsense fill in form help


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