Mortal Kombat 1 (alt) [SNES] - play as Reptile

Описание к видео Mortal Kombat 1 (alt) [SNES] - play as Reptile

This is a playthrough using Reptile in the SNES version of Mortal Kombat 1. Read on below for more information...

Reptile is a hidden CPU opponent in the game who can be fought against when certain conditions are met. He is a non-selectable character in the original version of the game.

This is an alternative version of the SNES game, where the boss and hidden characters are specially made playable. The game is known as Mortal Kombat Champion Edition, and the mod is made by a person named Snark-4918.


On the character select screen, highlight Sub-Zero, hold SELECT and press any attack button.


He is able to switch between the movesets of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, alternating between the two each time you switch.

-- Switch Stance Method 1: [L Block] when on the ground in neutral stance or during walking

-- Switch Stance Method 2: hold [SELECT] and press any [Attack Button] when on the ground in neutral stance or during walking


In the game's data, Reptile isn't actually a "separate" character. Instead, Reptile is just a flag which embeds itself into a CPU Scorpion or CPU Sub-Zero and tells it to regularly alternate/switch between Scorpion and Sub-Zero during gameplay, as well as giving him a unique green colour palette and the name 'REPTILE' on the lifebar.

In the original version of the game, using external methods, it's possible for a human player to use this flag (you can get the green colour palette and name on the lifebar), but the switching didn't work. It only worked for the CPU.

So for this version of the game, the creator has made it so that it's possible for a human player to switch between Scorpion and Sub-Zero using the commands shown earlier. This of course, means that you don't actually get both their moves at the same time (which is unfortunate, but it's correct to how it operates).


---- You can tell which stance/moveset he is currently in by looking at his neutral stance or walking... the key is his back arm - if it's at the shoulder it's Scorpion; if it's by his chest it's Sub-Zero.

---- When switching, it's probably better to use the [L BLOCK] button method as it's more responsive, and the blocking animation means that you get an indication that you have switched.

---- When switching, using the [SELECT] + [Attack Button] method is immediate and you get no indication. This is very much like how the CPU Reptile does it. However, it tends to not be responsive and having to press two buttons to do this can be inconvenient in pressure situations.

---- On the character select screen, when Reptile is selected, Scorpion's icon flashes to indicate that Reptile is chosen.

---- On the Battle Plan screen, the creator has implemented a proper icon for player Reptile. In the original version of the game, this icon didn't exist.

---- On the Battle Plan screen, Reptile uses Scorpion's paths.

---- The "Test Your Might" bonus games have been removed for Reptile.

---- In a Reptile mirror match, both colour palettes are exactly the same.

---- In a 2-player game, his VS screen portrait image is of Sub-Zero's one.

---- If you beat single-player mode with him, the creator has made it so that he has no ending and it goes straight back to the title screen.

===== CREDITS & MORE =====

This excellent mod is produced by the user Snark-4918, and you can get more information here (remove the spaces and replace appropriate symbols):

https : / / w w w . r o m h @ c k i n g . n e t /h @ c k s/4812


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