goan fresh sardines jeerem and meerem

Описание к видео goan fresh sardines jeerem and meerem

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ingredients below 👨‍🍳🙏⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
for the recipe you need.
fresh sardines approximately 800gm
1 green cardermon
3 cloves
2 inch cinnamon stick
1 star anise
1 large onion white or red
2 tomatoes
1 inch ginger chop finely
6 flake of garlic finely chop
handful of coriander chopped
malt venigar or any 2 tbsp
splash of lemon juice
1tbsp turmeric
1tbsp cumin
1tbsp black pepper powder
salt to taste buds.

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