I survived a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage this year

Описание к видео I survived a subarachnoid brain hemorrhage this year

Hi my name is JP Amolat I'm just a normal guy living in Boston. I'm like the rest of the 99% who's had their life struggles trying to figure out life and make the most of it. I had a brain hemorrhage Jan 3 of this year (2011) and I was in a coma for three months. I woke up paralyzed, confused, had amnesia. I had this condition called subarachnoid hemorrhage. According to wiki SAH is a form of stroke and comprises 1--7% of all strokes. It is a medical emergency and can lead to death or severe disability—even when recognized and treated at an early stage.
I feel very fortunate to have been given a second chance in living my life. I dedicate this video for all the people in hospitals and their families fighting to live and for all of our courageous men and women in the armed forces who put their lives on the line every single day especially the ones who became disabled. My best friend is currently serving as an army officer in Kabul, Afghanistan and its people like him where I draw courage from. I had my own internal war this year - fighting to stay alive, fighting to survive and walk again, fighting to get my life back on track. So far I have won this battle. I'm slowly trying to pick up the pieces where I left off. I'm almost back to normal. I still don't have sensation on my feet and have this condition called neuropathy which is this annoying odd tingling sensation. I'm currently receiving acupuncture treatment for it and hopefully it will help.
It's hard to stay positive and hopeful especially when you're in a really bad situation. I was paralyzed and couldn't move my body but all I could think of was someday I'd walk again, drive again, dance again. I had to fight my own inner demons because sometimes I truly think you can be your own worst enemy. Right now, I feel the happiest Ive ever been for being alive and being the type A personality and entrepreneur that I am, I learned to slow down and smell the roses. Cuz I realized, life is really too short, too precious to take for granted and waste away. I could have died and I did for 15 seconds and I came back a new person. I didn't know it then that when I went to bed that one evening after new years my life would be forever changed. I made this video in hopes that if I could even touch one soul out there and lift his spirits up, my surviving and life story could become instrumental in helping them in my own little way.

Happy Holidays!

JP Amolat

I found this great video on SAH
A hemorrhagic stroke, or what is also called a ruptured brain aneurysm, occurs when the walls of blood vessels are weakened, resulting in a blood-filled bulge.
   • Hemorrhagic Stroke Treatment at Barne...  


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