The American WAKE ExperimeNt

Описание к видео The American WAKE ExperimeNt

The American WAKE experimeNt (AWAKEN) is an international, multi-institutional wind energy field campaign designed to answer the most pressing scientific questions about the impacts of wind turbine wake effects and how individual wind turbines interact with one another in a wind farm. AWAKEN will gather observational data from wind farms to validate wind power plant models and advance the industry’s understanding of how a wind farm operates.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office, AWAKEN is part of DOE's larger Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) effort to improve the efficiency of wind power plants. The specific objective of AWAKEN is to gather high-fidelity observations of wind turbines and power plants operating in representative atmospheric conditions and then use these data to advance the understanding of wind power plant physics.


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