
Описание к видео 国产5款先进无人机大方展示!最大巡航高度12000米、航程超10000公里、察打一体、超音速、隐身、电子战……独家探访彩虹-4、彩虹-5、彩虹-7、彩虹3、彩虹10等无人机奥秘/解放军/PLA/UAV

彩虹-4无人机(英文:CH-4 unmanned aerial vehicle,缩写:CH-4 UAV,是在彩虹-3无人机基础上研发的一种中程察打/侦察探测一体无人机。
彩虹-5无人机(中国代号:CH-5),是中国航天科技集团公司旗下航天彩虹无人机股份有限公司 研制的中空长航时无人机。该机翼展20余米,具有动力强、载重大、航时长、航程远等巨大优势,其可靠性、安全性大幅提升。
彩虹-7”无人机可在高危环境下执行持续侦察、警戒探测、防空压制、作战支援等任务、发射或引导其它武器对高价值目标发动打击等作战任务。“彩虹-7”融合彩虹系列无人机先进气动、隐身及无尾飞行控制等技术,定位为战略级信息保障和高价值目标打击航空装备。“彩虹-7” 具备突出的隐身特征,机身无垂尾、无平尾,外形平滑优美。“彩虹-7”翼展下方没有武器挂载点,弹药全部被装入机身下的内置弹舱中,这样的设计显然有利于减少雷达散射截面积。该机配备涡扇发动机,发动机进气口位于机身上方,以消除雷达反射源,利于隐身。
With vertical take-off and landing and high-altitude penetration, they are the vanguards on the intelligent battlefield; with a wide variety of types and a complete spectrum, they are the trump cards in unmanned combat. How powerful are the domestically produced Rainbow UAVs? This episode will take you to explore the mysteries of the PLA's various Rainbow UAVs.
The Rainbow-4 UAV (English: CH-4 unmanned aerial vehicle, abbreviated: CH-4 UAV, is a medium-range reconnaissance and strike/reconnaissance integrated UAV developed on the basis of the Rainbow-3 UAV.
The Rainbow-5 UAV (Chinese code name: CH-5) is a subsidiary of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Aerospace Rainbow UAV Co., Ltd. The medium-altitude long-flight UAV developed by the company. The aircraft has a wingspan of more than 20 meters and has great advantages such as strong power, large load, long flight time and long range. Its reliability and safety have been greatly improved.
The aircraft can carry a variety of weapons and has strong flexibility in use. In the future, the "Rainbow-5" UAV can be matched with the "Rainbow-4" and "Rainbow-3" UAVs to perform different combat missions or be used in formations. Through combat coordination at different levels, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the system can be exerted. The "Rainbow-5" UAV can also carry an integrated electronic warfare system to perform tasks such as communication reconnaissance interference and radar reconnaissance interference, and suppress the enemy in the area.
The "Rainbow-7" UAV can perform continuous reconnaissance, warning detection, air defense suppression, combat support and other tasks in high-risk environments, and launch or guide other weapons to launch strikes on high-value targets and other combat missions. The "Rainbow-7" integrates the advanced aerodynamics, stealth and tailless flight control technologies of the Rainbow series of UAVs, and is positioned as a strategic-level information assurance and high-value target strike aviation equipment. "Rainbow-7" It has outstanding stealth features.
The Rainbow-10 unmanned tilt-rotor aircraft is a new type of unmanned aerial vehicle that integrates helicopter technology and fixed-wing aircraft technology. It takes off and lands vertically in helicopter mode and cruises quickly in fixed-wing aircraft mode. The flight mode conversion is achieved by tilting the rotor. The Rainbow-10 unmanned tilt-rotor aircraft has both the vertical take-off and landing and hovering capabilities similar to helicopters, and the advantages of fast flight speed and long range of fixed-wing aircraft. The main mission is to serve as an integrated reconnaissance and strike unmanned platform accompanying large and medium-sized naval surface ships or army field forces to perform information assurance tasks. The Rainbow-10 unmanned tilt-rotor aircraft uses large and medium-sized destroyers and frigates as take-off and landing platforms or accompanies the army field forces to perform reconnaissance, detection, communication relay, search, target indication, relay guidance and other tasks.


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