【ASD Early Intervention】Mia-Day1【自閉症訓練】Mia-第一天進度

Описание к видео 【ASD Early Intervention】Mia-Day1【自閉症訓練】Mia-第一天進度

【APM Educational Project - ASD Case Sharing】
Mia was 2 years and 2 months old when she firstly came to AP (in July 2018). Mia’s parents reported that Mia is non-verbal, and can only make minimal sounds like “mmm” and “eer”. She has limited eye contact with others and is not responsive to social interactions. She has some play skills but her interests in play is quite limited, she likes to play with her cutting fruit set and pour the toys from one container to another.

In this video, it' Mia's first day of #APM training in AP! She’s shown impressive progress in responsiveness, imitation and paying attention.

▶️Watch Mia's 5-day intensive program in AP:

Learn more about what we do:
Website: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk
Tel: (852) 2526 3812
Email: [email protected]

【APM教育推廣項目 - 自閉症個案分享】

在這視頻中,Mia 第一天在AP開始進行APM訓練!她在回應度、模仿能力和專注力方面都取得了一些令人鼓舞的進步!


網站: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk/zh/
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk
電話: (852) 2526 3812
電郵: [email protected]

#自閉症 #自閉症香港 #自閉症兒童 #自閉症譜系 #自閉症兒童訓練 #自閉症教學 #行為分析治療 #自閉症個案 #自閉症訓練 #自閉症行為 #應用行為分析 #自閉症眼神接觸 #密集式訓練 #aba技巧 #ABA訓練 #ABA干預 #ABA治療 #BCBA #自閉症治療 #自閉症康復 #發展障礙 #特殊教育 #發育遲緩 #幼兒自閉症 #早期干預訓練
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