"The Peace that Surpasses Understanding" with Dr. James Finley

Описание к видео "The Peace that Surpasses Understanding" with Dr. James Finley

James Finley, Ph.D. conducted workshops on contemplative living at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church in Scottsdale, Arizona on March 14, 2015, and addressed the parish during this forum on the following Sunday.

Dr. Finley lived several years as a monk at the Trappist monastery in Kentucky, where the world-renowned monk and author, Thomas Merton, was his spiritual director. He now leads retreats and workshops throughout the United States and Canada, attracting men and women from all religious traditions who seek to live a contemplative way of life. He is also a clinical psychologist in private practice with his wife in Santa Monica, California.

James Finley is the author of "Merton's Palace of Nowhere,""The Contemplative Heart" and "Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God."

About Contemplative Life at Saint Barnabas
At Saint Barnabas, we offer a variety of ways to intentionally engage in practices that can be helpful to your spiritual depth and growth. Some of these are done individually, some in community, and some share in a bit of both. We also offer programming online, so that you can participate from where you may be in the world.

What is the contemplative life? It springs from the awakened vision, the epiphany, that God is always everywhere present and that this Presence is active, that is, always reaching out to us. Jesus’ parting words in Matthew’s Gospel, “Remember I am with you always,” and his promise in John’s Gospel, “You will know that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you,” are among the many passages that reveal the contemplative dimension of the Gospel.

How is the contemplative life lived? Primarily by learning to be silent and to rest in Christ’s presence within. At the heart of the contemplative vision is the insight that we needn’t go anywhere or do anything or become anything other than who we are to be present to God, who is already present to us. More present than we are to ourselves. So, the contemplative life is actually quite simple and accessible to everyone. It is simply the intention to pause, to be still, and, by faith, to rest in Christ’s presence within.

Learn More at: http://www.saintbarnabas.org/contempl...

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