【20+分鐘】Chinese Songs Compilation for Kids | 恐龍歌+更多精選優質兒歌 |邊唱邊學|連續播放|陪伴成長精選兒歌合集|By Mama Laoshi

Описание к видео 【20+分鐘】Chinese Songs Compilation for Kids | 恐龍歌+更多精選優質兒歌 |邊唱邊學|連續播放|陪伴成長精選兒歌合集|By Mama Laoshi

11 thoughtfully produced and curated educational children's songs, in 20+ minutes, for kids in Chinese! 20+分钟,11首精选儿歌,和妈妈老师➕Winter姐姐一起学中文!

#songsinchinese #mandarinchinesesongs #songsforkids #childrensongs #媽媽老師 #mamalaoshi #儿歌大全 #儿歌童谣 #儿歌 #儿歌歌曲 #儿歌中文 #childrensnursery

🔔 Subscribe for more videos just like this 點擊訂閱“媽媽老師“頻道,盡享精彩寓教於樂視頻❗️

Curated by educational and music experts, Mama Laoshi Channel is dedicated to helping families grow together everywhere. If you are interested in more content like this, please subscribe so that you do not miss any of our latest videos! 專業教育與音樂團隊共同制作的媽媽老師兒歌!想看更多的媽媽老師視頻與歌曲,請點擊★★★訂閱★★★支持我們!

0:00 - 0:11 Intro
0:12 - 2:20 Dinosaur Song 恐龍歌
2:21 - 4:10 Song about Emotions 情緒歌
4:11 - 8:16 Song to Teach Kids about Body Parts 身體部分歌
8:17 - 10:11 Dumpling Song 餃子歌
10:12 - 13:26 The Hare and Tortoise Song 龜兔賽跑歌
13:27 - 16:21 African Safari Song 非洲草原歌
16:22 - 19:44 Rainy Day Song 下雨歌
19:45 - 21:44 Imagination Song 想像歌
21:45 - 23:16 I Love My Family 我愛我的家庭歌
23:17 - 23:50 Outtro

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👀 Mama Laoshi Club is a nonprofit organization with the goal of helping all families grow together. We adopt a Whole-Child approach to create free yet high-quality learning content in Chinese and English for young learners all around the world. What topic would you like us to talk about next?

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