Ready to wake up?

Описание к видео Ready to wake up?

Ready to wake up?

Has there ever been a better opportunity to embrace a different kind of leadership? During times of disruption and change comes the space and possibility for something new to emerge.

Tim Littlehales - Co-CEO of Bridge Partnership - believes the opportunity for change is ‘more real and possible now than even before.’

This chimes with the writing of Stefan Stern in How to be a Better Leader: 

“Good leaders need self knowledge. They need to understand their strengths and weaknesses, where their motivation comes from and why they are doing the job they do now.”

The act of noticing, of being aware of how we are with one another at work is fundamental -a key to the ‘self-knowledge’ Stefan Stern writes about - and part of what Tim Littlehales refers to as a shift in consciousness.

Alarm bells may be ringing - business, politics and the climate - but now more than ever might be a time to wake up to a new kind of leadership.

Stefan Stern : How to be a Better Leader

Tim Littlehales is co-CEO of Bridge Partnership


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